4 myths about growth you should stop believing now
Growth hacking has become a regular topic among start-ups today as more and more companies seek the easiest route to exponential growth. It is no surprise that the term has spawned a wide range of myths from individuals who are either misinformed or just trying to pass their services as shortcuts for rocketing growth.
If left unchecked, misconceptions can poison perception and attitudes to the extent that an important concept such as growth hacking is reduced to just another empty buzzword.
Growth hacking is more about changing the mindset and culture of a company so that every decision is made with long-term growth in mind. It wasn’t created for startups only, and neither is it a coder’s thing.
Anyone in any kind of business can practice growth hacking. The most important thing is that you are ready to work hard, be patient, and keep learning as fast as you can. Whether you want to be a growth hacker or you are looking to hire someone, now you know what isn’t growth hacking.